Monday, December 19, 2011

Painting buddies

It is so important to have some people around you that get what you love and share the feelings of frustration, expansion and joy.  The phrase "Read any good books lately?" really means "What do you like that you think I will like too?"  or "Please share a little of the inside of your head with me..." I love my painting buddies and cannot have too many, and I especially need the ones that know the reality of what we reach for.

Here's to Cynthia and all of the others that keep at it!


  1. Way to bust a move, girlfriend! This will be great to post on your trip..if you don't stay off the grid!

  2. Can't wait to follow your painting adventures all about it !

  3. Cris, Check out Texas in your travels. Taking a class with Joyce Hicks in mid Jan. Come join us.....
